The Battle of Exercise Tiger: The LST's Finest Hour
What began as a top secret naval operation to prepare US Army and Naval forces for the June 6th D-Day Invasion, would end with one of the highest losses ever suffered in combat by the US Army and Navy in WW II.
A Word From the Executive Director of the Exercise Tiger Association

Thanks for visiting. Please contact me with any questions you may have
Susan Haines
National Executive Director, Chief Of Staff

United States Exercise Tiger Foundation National Office
1001 E. Walnut St., Ste 200, Columbia, MO 65201
Office phone: 573-356-0529
Fax: 573.449.8069
Phone: 1.877.WW2.TIGR

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Memorials to Exercise Tiger
Missouri Exercise Tiger Army & Navy Anchor Memorial

Execise Tiger Memorial Granite Bricks
On June 12th 1997 a request was made to US Navy Captain Gary Chiavarotti, Director of the US Navy's Inactive Fleet by the Executive Director. On July 13th 1997 the request was approved. The record approval time was because of Capt. Chiavarotti's desire to make a memorial to "Tiger" a reality. The request was for two (2) ex LST anchors that could serve as twin state and national memorials to the Battle of Exercise Tiger in New Jersey and Missouri. Working with Fred Hood, Director of Naval Sea Systems Command Detachment, Norfolk Naval Base and T.H. "Tommy" Tise the NAVSEA Maintenance Facility Supervisor, the Exercise Tiger Association, National Foundation was given two 5000 pound stern anchors from LST's of the Suffolk County Class. The Missouri anchor was used on an LST of this class. At the request of the Tiger Association the Navy will keep the anchor in the official US Navy Inventory, placing it on permanent loan to the Exercise Tiger Association making a lasting tribute to the courageous American Sailors and Soldiers who gave their lives in combat action with an enemy of the United States. Symbolically, the anchor will remain ever ready to again serve on an LST should an emergency exist for this type of anchor.
The anchor arrived in Columbia Missouri as a Christmas present to area "Tiger" vets and Missouri Chapter Director Susan Haines on Dec. 16, 1997. Its 1500 mile journey from Norfolk Virginia was due to the efforts of former US Navy Petty Officer Rocky Roberts who served on LST USS LaMoure County 1194, and Uponor ETI of Columbia who donated their transportation resources. Roberts ship, the LaMoure County hosted the 1995 Exercise Tiger ceremony and was the first LST and active ship of the US Navy to do so. At that time the LaMoure County was the Navy's last LST. Under the direction of Lt. Col. Marty Walker the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, Univ. of Missouri, painted it with official US Navy paint that they secured for this project. Lt. Matt Mackenzie USN, oversaw the painting.
Today, the Exercise Tiger Association, National Foundation is pleased to once again hold the National Ceremony at the Anchor Memorial in Audrain County. This serves as a beacon of remembrance and hope for all who go in harms way.

Exercise Tiger Expressway

In 1997 the Exercise Tiger Foundation initiated discussion with Senator Kit Bond, the senior senator from Missouri, with the intent of having State Highway 54, a main north/south running highway in the state renamed the Exercise Tiger Veterans expressway to commemorate the forgotten Battle of Exercise Tiger in which over 750 men lost their lives during WWII. “Tiger” had the 3rd largest death toll in a single battle surpassed only by Pearl Harbor and D-Day itself.

The senator’s office worked directly with the National Tiger Director and State Chapter Director Susan Haines. Senator Bond’s office working in conjunction with the Exercise Tiger Foundation helped to facilitate the highway project by interfacing with MODOT officials and Audrain and Callaway County Commissioners.

The three year project came to a successful conclusion with the dedication ceremony on August 23rd in Audrain County, Missouri. Two signs at the beginning and end of the 18 mile stretch of Highway 54 costing $20,000 were provided with funds from MODOT. Of the 500 miles of roadway in District 3 this is the only on renamed and dedicated to veterans.

On a historical note this is the first highway in history named to commemorate the battle of Exercise Tiger. The Exercise Tiger Foundation sees this as another important step towards its goal of memorializing and commemorating the forgotten veterans of all wars especially those of Korea and Vietnam. The Exercise Tiger Foundation is constantly working towards the goal of making the words “Exercise Tiger” synonymous with the recognition of forgotten veterans of all wars.

Exercise Tiger Bench
Exercise Tiger Bench Memorial

Exercise Tiger Bench Dedicated
to the WWII Tiger Vets & all troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan

Liberty Memorial Granite Bricks

It was the "gratitude of a grateful people," to those who served in the Great War, that inspired the creation of the Liberty Memorial. Similar gratitude and appreciation is extended to you for keeping their memory alive. A granite brick has been reserved for you in the Liberty Memorial Walk of Honor It will become a permanent part of the restored memorial and expanded museum site.

The inscription on this 4"x8" brick will forever read: LST 58 289 496 499 531 507 511 515 Charles Griffey

John A. Dillingham
President, Liberty Memorial Association
National WWI Museum Kansas City, MO.

Execise Tiger Memorial Granite Bricks
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The Exercise Tiger National Association ~ 1001 E. Walnut St., Ste 200, Columbia, MO 65201 ~ Email: susan.haines@exercisetiger.org ~ Ph. 573-356-0529 ~ ©2011-2020 All Rights Reserved