The "Adopt A Serviceman" Program is an annual event for the state of Missouri. It began
in 1999 as the "Adopt An Airman" program and honored 4 airmen and NCOs as well as
the Company Grade Officer of the Quarter from the USAF's Air Combat Command's
509th Bomb Wing. The program was met with outstanding support from Columbia and
surrounding mid-Missouri communities. In 2000, the program was expanded to honor
ALL branches of military service. As long as there is a need for our armed forces to serve,
there is a need to honor those who are routinely placed in harm's way. It is truly an honor
to recognize the individual efforts of enlisted NCOs and the personnel of the United States
Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy and Marines. The Association began to recognize
those who serve and protect us here at home by including police officers and firefighters in
2001. In times of conflict and during peace, our military, police and firefighters are always
there serving. The Missouri chapter of the Exercise Tiger Association is proud to sponsor
this program.
We are a team. We share a common mission. We must build a common future. This
concept captures the spirit of cooperation and brings individuals together from across the
entire Armed Forces, whether active duty, Reserve, Guard, or civilian, joining efforts
towards achieving a common objective. This spirit of cooperation, along with the
courageous and selfless acts of our American military men and women exemplifies the
spirit of "Tiger".
It is in the spirit of "Tiger" that we have come here this evening, to honor and remember
true American heroes - our armed forces of today. These men and women are routinely
placed in harm's way because they have chosen to protect and defend the rights and
freedoms that we enjoy every day as American citizens and to place God and country
above all else. The events of this weekend are only one small way that we, as citizens, can
let these vigilant guards of our God-given right to freedom know that we recognize all of
the sacrifices that they, as well as their families, make for us each and every day. It was
extremely difficult to select just a few of them honored here today. If possible, we would
honor all of the members of our armed forces in this manner.
We honor our elected officials, veterans, journalists, military units, community leaders,
students and everyday citizens that support our military during times of peace and times of
war. We also honor their support of the efforts of the Exercise Tiger Association, National
Commemorative Foundation, as it strives to advocate for, and bring recognition to, all
veterans of the United States.
To each of you here today, "Thank you" for your service to our country. As we honor
these servicemen and women that are here with us today, we also remember those who are
here with us in spirit; those who have served, or continue to serve, in both world wars,
Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places in
this world where freedom and basic human rights are in jeopardy. |
We accept checks and money orders made out to:
The Exercise Tiger Association
and mailed to the following address:
Exercise Tiger Association
P.O. Box 246, Columbia, MO 65205
Cash donations are also accepted at events, and a letter and a receipt
acknowledging your donation will be provided. |